Tuesday 15 February 2011

I also watched the BBC series Land Girls which helped me to get an understanding of the ww2 fashions.

To create the WW2 style, I chose the colour palette of brown and black because of the rationing in the 40's which meant there was little colour. I love the brown velvet shorts, which I picked up in a vintage shop in Leeds, because I think that they reflect the Land Girl uniform which was synonymous with the working women of the 40's. I chose a black loose fitting jacket to match the 'manly' style of the women finished with a gold brooch. To bring the outfit up to date I chose a slouchy, slogan tee and to pull the colours together, black tights and black platforms. 

So I was flicking through Elle and found this DKNY advert which I really liked. I love the WW2 inspirations of the fur, woollen suits and pussybow blouses. So I decided that I'd try and put together my own outfit, which hinted toward the ww2 style.

"When a woman smiles, her dress must smile with her"

Madeleine Vionnet

Monday 14 February 2011

Paris.... again

It was near to christmas time when I visited Paris so, one of the excitements was looking at the way the shops were festively decorated. One shop, which looked like a department store, had gone against the traditional decoration of baubles, trees and snow by displaying a Christmas circus. I really liked this as it was unique and original but still showed the sense of fun and silliness which, if my family is anything to go off, is what makes christmas such an enjoyable time.


  So I've finally downloaded the photos off my camera from Paris. Having never visited Paris before I was excited about going and seeing all the sights and being a proper tourist!

I always think it's funny when you go to somewhere like London and it's full of foreign tourists trying to get snaps of everything they see. Well I guess thats how those chic Parisians thought of us when we went. While we were walking down The Champs -Elysées, I just had to get snaps of the designer shops; the frontage of the shops says it all, simple, chic and elegant- perhaps the definition of French fashion. We even ventured into Gucci to admire the beautiful bags, although I have to admit we were followed around from beginning to end.

The best window by far was Dior with those amazing dresses. How I'd love to be able to create something as magnificant as those. They're the kind of dresses girls grow up dreaming about, sigh and say to themselves "One day....."

Saturday 12 February 2011

Final Garment for Creative Approaches

I am pleased with how the garment has turned out. It reflects the inspitation of armour and protecting the body through the way I have manipulated the fabric. I used all three of the garments that were my materials. I picked these up cheaply from a charity shop, however I feel that the way I used them, you would not be able to tell.

Looking at the garment again, I find myself asking 'Is it too literal?' Perhaps I could have used more creativity and thought outside of the box more to hint at the theme but not make it as obvious.


Garment Experimentation for Creative Approaches

Creative Approaches to Fashion Continued

I chose to interpret this as protection so looked at ways that people protect themselves, focussing on armour. To find out the way that armour is constructed for the protection, I visited The Royal Armouries in Leeds.

Creative Approaches to Fashion

So the last post was a bit wordy- actually, scratch that, TOO wordy. So for this post I'll try and keep the essay writing to a minimum.

This project was about interpreting an artists work to represent another theme or object. The final garment had to be made form three existing garments.

I looked at the work of Louise Bourgeois in particular the piece entitled 'Cells, Eyes and Mirrors' and asked myself the question;

"Does this represent the opression of women in society or does it in fact symbolise safety and protection from society?"